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Stanford Continuing Studies 6.61
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Access the Stanford Continuing Studies catalogue of courses in a format that is as mobile as you are.
Stanford Continuing Studies invites you to join our open learning community. Each year, more than 11,000 students take our courses to enrich their intellectual and professional lives. We have no formal application process, and all students at least 18 years old are welcome to attend. Grades are not required. We are here to help you nourish your mind in the company of Stanford instructors and your fellow students.
Work full time? Our evening classes, weekend workshops, and online courses are scheduled to fit your busy lifestyle. Take courses for pleasure, personal enrichment, or professional development. Earn a grade or credit...or just come for the pleasure of learning.
We welcome all adult members of the community -- working, retired, or somewhere in between. And it’s easy to enroll.
Learn from the best. All courses are taught by notable Stanford faculty, experienced professionals, and leaders in their fields. From fine arts to film, creative writing to business, language to science, we offer a full spectrum of courses designed to help you understand the complex world in which we live.
Our classes typically meet one evening per week (Monday through Thursday) in the heart of Stanford’s campus, usually from 7:00-8:50 pm. Courses are five to ten weeks long, and weekend workshops and online writing courses are also available. Courses are offered in all four academic quarters.
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