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Easyavatar Social Avatar Manager 1.3.1
Screen Shots:
EasyAvatar is a free and easy-handle software for multi profile picture editing and updating. You can change all your social profile pictures by just one click, Simple but not boring, EasyAvatar includes six different delicate scenes elaborating your mellifluous life and colorful mood. Just show your personality whenever and wherever by your avatar.
Top Features:
・2 step to DIY your own avatar.
・1 click to share at multi social account.
・4 special photo effects for make avatar.
・11 special photo filter for make avatar
・50 materials for Chiristmas.
Using Scenarios:
・Show your moods by your own face-expression instead of the old-style :-)
・Fix the easy passing scene and time in your avatar.
・Take your darling's photos and just let your friends' envying eyes kill you.
・Add it now and start creating!