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Expensetracker Ixchecker 1.7
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iXchecker is a personal financial tool designed for busy people who are not financial experts but who want to be able to keep a convenient, straightforward record of their expenses. It has an easy-to-follow wizard style interface which guides you effortlessly through entering your financial data, and a simple and clear interface allowing you to monitor your transactions. Most importantly, it can be synced up with Google Spreadsheets to maximize the security of your data. Your records will be synchronized into separate Spreadsheet files by the month and you can then use the various Google Spreadsheets features to work with and organize your records, including statistics, making reports or saving files in other formats like Excel, OpenOffice, PDF, CSV, HTML, Text and so on. If you take photos of receipts or the actual items you’ve purchased, the photos can also be synced up to Picasa Web. You can also use your Google account to synchronize your records with any of your iOS devices.
Key features:
* Fast! Easy-to-use, Wizard style user interface.
* Simple and clear interface for browsing your transactions by the month, the week, or the day.
* It can be synced up with Google Spreadsheets to maximize the security of your data. Your records will be synchronized into separate Spreadsheet files by the month and you can then use the various Google Spreadsheets features to work with and organize your records, including statistics, making reports or saving files in other formats like Excel, OpenOffice, PDF, CSV, HTML, Text and so on. If you take photos of receipts or the actual items you've purchased, the photos can also be synced up to Picasa Web. You can also use your Google account to synchronize your records with any of your iOS devices.
* Functions as a WiFi-based mini Web server, giving you web browser access via your desktop or laptop computer. So you can easily view your records and photos, and download backup files in ZIP format or export in CSV format.
* Records of any time period specified by you can be exported to your mailbox via Email, and then imported into Excel for further manipulation.
* Multi-currency support.
* Reports can be viewed at the click of a button.
* A photo can be added for each record, and be synced to Picasa Web!
* You can back up or restore your records by connecting to iTunes via either USB or WiFi.
* Ensure data security by entering a login password.
We also have a number of other equally innovative products:
MyDocs enables your iPhone to function as a wireless disk, giving you the ability to use your web browser to upload or download files to and from your iPhone. Use MyDocs to view your photos, audio, and even video files on your iPhone.
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Show you photo when charging,and remind you when charge full.
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