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Fast Contacts 3.9.5
Screen Shots:
FastContacts = Contacts app on steroids, the most powerful contact manager on App Store!
Your device address book is full of contact information for your friends and family. Why not use FastContacts and do more with your address book:
* Just like you flip through music album art in iPod, flip through your contact photos using cover flow. See the screenshots.
* Hate missing birthdays and anniversaries? The Alarms feature reminds you of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries and other events. The application icon badge shows the count of upcoming events.
* Can't remember the name of the plumber or that super cool restaurant? In addition to Name, Company, Phone Number & Address fields, FastContacts searches the Notes fields in your address book to find buried information. Now you can finally search your Outlook Notes that you synced to your iPhone!
* Visiting San Franciso (or any other city)? With one click sort all your contacts by City and quickly decide who you want to meet (and who to avoid). You can also sort by State, Zip, Country, etc.
* Why settle for something plain and boring? FastContacts gives you beautiful color themes to suit your mood and style.
* Want to exchange contact information? Export contact details via SMS or Email with one click.
* Organizing an alumni dinner (or any such event)? Tap the "Group Email" button to quickly send an email to all your alumni group members (or any such group) with one click.
* Looking for a job or a professional connection? Quickly sort your contacts by their Company/Department to see your connections.
* List your contacts by "Events last/this/next month" or "Events by month" to be prepared for all the upcoming events!!
* Add/modify/delete contact records.
* Duplicate contact record with one click.
* Create and manage contact groups & assign contacts to groups.
* Works great with iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
* Works great when you sync your device Contacts with MobileMe, Microsoft Exchange, Address Book (on Mac) or Outlook (on PC).
~ Testimonials ~
~ …This app is extremely useful and it beats the crap out of the contact app that comes with the iPhone. I placed this app in my coveted bottom section of my iPhone, it works that well -
~ Version 1 was a 5-star app for me. This new version is twice as good!
~ Great app! Love how it organizes dates as long as I have the contacts information!
~ Works perfect. Apple should buy you and integrate these functions into the native Contacts!
~ This app is great for upcoming and missed birthdays!
~ Everybody should have it - best app ever in this category!
~ Awesome supplement to the phonebook and calendar applications!
~ Searching the NOTES is wonderful!
~ This app has officially replaced the iPhone's Contacts app for me!
How FastContacts Works
FastContacts uses information from your Contacts application on your device (i.e. Address Book) to organize/sort contacts. For example, when you sort your contacts by "Events by month", FastContacts uses the date field information (any date field such as birthday or anniversary that is stored for a contact) to sort and display the contact list.
Note: FastContacts does NOT duplicate your contact data - it reads/writes your existing contact data from your iPhone.