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Finamtrade 3.4.0
Screen Shots:
Trading platform FinamTrade is designed to help you trade securities on the MICEX Stock Exchange, futures instruments on FORTS, currency markets and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (XETRA). With the help of FinamTrade it will be easy for you to check out real-time quotes of financial instruments, keep up with the market, monitor your trading account, and also stay abreast of the latest market news.
The main options offered by the application are:
• a demo regime with a chance to trade using trial accounts;
• to view quotes of financial instruments and indexes on a real-time basis;
• the following trading floors are available: MICEX, FORTS futures, currency and XETRA.
• to check a trading account and open positions;
• to place all main types of trade orders;
• economic calendar;
• to review topical financial news;
• key technical analysis indicators.
Demo regime:
View quotes and charts, trade on trial accounts with no registration and authorization in the trading system. Trial accounts are provided automatically and are pegged to a device. The term of trial accounts is 5 days for MICEX and there is no time limit for the FX market.
Trade operations:
To trade on a real-time basis you need to have a trading account open at Finam. To enter the trading system use a login and a password provided for FinamTrade, TradeCenter or MetaTrader.
Users of trader social network WhoTrades can use their email addresses and account passwords to log in.
ATTENTION! Updates of quotes and charts, the execution of trade operations are possible during business hours of trading floors. During weekends and holidays information is shown as of the end of the previous trading day.
If trial accounts expire, data on some instruments in the demo version may be delayed by up to 15 minutes.