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Freedom From Negative Feelings 1.3
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Let go of negative thoughts and feelings and silence unnecessary inner criticism with this powerful, hypnotic self development app.
“The Ultimate in Self Help… The high quality recordings entertain, relax, entrance and help get results rapidly” Yoga Magazine
“I was aware of more clarity, better mental organisation and breaking with past thought processes in a very easy and effortless way. I'm amazed that remote hypnotherapy can be so successful.” J. Feinmann, Award Winning Medical Journalist
This application, created by Darren Marks, one of the UKs leading and most effective hypnotherapists is designed to help you free yourself from unnecessary or outdated negative thoughts and feelings so you can be cool, calm, collected, confident and in control now.
When you use this app successfully it doesn't mean that you won't experience
negative thoughts or feelings again, but it does mean that you will be able to put things in perspective and be able to experience emotions in an appropriate way in the future, in proportion to the situation in which you find yourself.
* The powerful hypnosis audio session Release Limiting Decisions & Beliefs
* An additional free hypnosis session, Relax Completely, to help you to relax and familiarise yourself with the process.
*Additional specific emotion sessions are available via inapp purchase if required.
Currently available:
1) Release Anger
2) Release Sadness
3) Let Go of Fear & Anxiety
4) Let Go of Hurt
5) Let Go of Guilt & Shame
* Hypnosis sessions incorporate dual vocal delivery & unique powerful audio
technology designed to help the listener access a deep hypnotic, meditation state much more quickly and easily than would be usually be possible.
* A choice of beautiful, relaxing video animations to run with the audio programs
* Video interviews to help you understand and feel comfortable with the process and to simulate as closely as possible what it’s like to see Darren in person.
Download Freedom From Negative Thoughts & Feelings now, learn to relax, let go and move on today!