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Noir Photo 1.1
Screen Shots:
Don’t just take a photo. Tell a story. Noir Photo lets you transform your photos with beautiful, dramatic lighting and instant results. Peel away the color to a cinematic black-and-white, apply a lovely tint, and then light up your subject. Touch and pinch the brightness Vignette and spin the Contrast and Exposure dials for white hot thrills and shadow-rich drama.
You tell a story in your photos with the glowing smile on your daughter’s face, or a moody skyline under radiant street lamps. Focus on the part that you love, massage your Noir Photo settings, and come up with something amazingly cool in a few seconds. Use Noir Photo to create bad-ass black, white & light in a color world.
The Artsy Details
• Simple & fast formula: Noir Photo is a fun and easy way to create images that tell a story --- with instant, beautiful results.
• Strip to cinematic black & white: Use Noir Photo to replace the color in your photo with a rich, cinematic black-and-white.
• Re-light the photo: A touchable, customizable Vignette lets you re-light the photo to show what’s important and shade out the rest.
• Tint the mood: Apply a sepia, silver, blue-gray or chartreuse tint to further set the mood. Choose from six presets to get started quickly.
• For your inner artist: Battle tested by artists, filmmakers and the geek dad next door, Noir Photo gets your creative ideas out fast.
Fast & Fun Controls
• Designed for play: Noir Photo’s fun dials and buttons look like analog spaceship dials, hi-fi fader controls and vintage stereo knobs.
• Vignette at your fingertips: Touch and pinch the Vignette to quickly highlight and light up the part of your photo that you care about. It’s fun and easy.
• Dial in high contrast: Use Contrast, Outer Exposure and Inner Exposure dials to massage the darks and lights around the Vignette.
• Stay in one place: Noir Photo’s preview area is huge and the controls are minimal so you play fast and never have to open a second panel.
• Works with every photo: Even if you are using low quality images, our specially-built controls protect important details and fight digital artifacts.
The Geeky Details
• Universal app: Your purchase enables iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Supports iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, Gen 3 and Gen 4 iPod Touch, iPad, and iOS 4.2 and higher.
• iPhone 4 resolution: Render has been developed to support 4 Megapixel output on iPhone 4. Support for high resolution 2592x2592 maximum output.
• iPad resolution: Render has been developed to support 4 Megapixel output on iPad. Support for high resolution 2048x2048 maximum output.
Thanks for enjoying Noir Photo! For more color fun, check out our Plastic Bullet Camera and Movie Looks apps. Or go to for color correction products that make Hollywood-quality video and photographs. Simple tools for Giant results.
Sincerely, the Red Giant Team