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Gradar 1.10.1
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**New feature: gRadar is now providing a one-hour radar image forecast. Projections are computed based on cutting-edge image processing technology.***
gRadar is a fast and reliable weather app that provides worldwide radar images, 5-day weather forecasts and observations on an interactive map (Google Maps). The app allows the early detection of developing precipitation, thunderstorms and high impact weather.
The perfect app for the outsiders and travelers alike, gRadar can animate up to twelve hours of rain/snow radar images so you can accurately tell if precipitations/storms are coming your way.
*US coverage, as provided by National Weather Service (NWS)
*Canada coverage, as provided by Environment Canada
*Australia coverage, as provided by Bureau of Meteorology
*Europe, Asia, Africa and South America coverage, as provided by EUMETSAT
*See exact coverage at
*156 US Doppler radar sites and 6 types of radar data:
-One-Hour Precipitation
-Storm Total Precipitation
-Base Reflectivity
-Composite Reflectivity
-Storm Relative Motion
-Base Velocity
*31 Canadian Doppler radar sites and 4 types of radar data:
*53 Australian radar sites and 4 types of radar data:
-Precipitation 64km
-Precipitation 128km
-Precipitation 256km
-Doppler wind
*1-hour radar image forecast (only available in Australia, Canada and USA).
*5-day weather forecast and current conditions, location-based (Metric or English).
*Weather observations (temperature, pressure and wind) on map view.
*Google Maps features:
-Pinching (zoom in/out)
-Plan and Satellite maps
*Single-radar and multi-radars modes
*Animated graphics with configurable speeds and opacities
*Up to 12 hours playback
*GPS position tracking
Supports, comments or bug reports: