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Gs Research 1.3.3
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The Goldman Sachs Research iPad app offers Goldman Sachs’ corporate and institutional clients easy access to Global Investment Research content anywhere, anytime.
Goldman Sachs’ Global Investment Research teams cover more than 3,500 equity and credit securities and 25 markets in more than 50 economies. Goldman Sachs’ Global Investment Research delivers fundamental research insights and ideas across the equity, fixed income, currency and commodities markets worldwide. Our analysts aim to provide thought-leading content to our investing clients in five research disciplines: credit, equity, economics, commodities and strategy. Collaboration across disciplines and geographies is a hallmark of Goldman Sachs Research.
The Goldman Sachs Research iPad application provides:
• Direct access to our ‘Featured Global Research’ Home page which centralizes a cross-section of our global research, carefully selected daily (and updated as each region’s markets open)
• The ability to choose an alternative default Home page which allows direct access to the research you are interested in
• Thematic and topical research aggregations so you can quickly get a read across all of our research on that subject
• Search functionality that accesses all Goldman Sachs’ Research publications and offers ‘type-ahead’ hints to help enhance the accuracy of your search
• Analyst pages with access to coverage information and recently published research
• A quick search feature - “find more like this” - included in each document
• Alert management that gives you the ability to create or view your GS360 alerts
• Goldman Sachs Research on the iPad may be read online, saved within the application or into iBooks for reading offline
It is accessible after a simple, one-time activation process using your corporate identifier (typically your email address) – no password is required; no subsequent login is required. There is no charge to download the application. However, it is only available to Goldman Sachs' corporate and institutional clients.