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Favs 1.4.1
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The app for your likes, stars, social bookmarks and favorites.
"To me, Favs is a web nerd’s dream come true already." —
"Favs is fantastically useful, and very pretty, too" —
"Sweet App: Favs" —
If you are using social networks, you are also creating favorites. On Facebook you ‘like’, on Twitter and Google Reader you ‘star’, on Delicious and Pinboard you ‘bookmark’ and so on.
== Find Favorites ==
Instead of spreading your favorites across different networks, use Favs to sync them to your iPhone. Don't waste any more time on searching for your favorite content - Favs has a powerful search feature build right into the application that makes finding what you like a breeze.
== Follow Favorites ==
Many favorites are public, for example on Twitter, Flickr or Vimeo. This allows you to follow the favorites of persons you like and just see their hand-picked articles. For those sources Favs marks new entries as ‘unread’ and you can use Favs as a sophisticated Reader app.
Supported Services for reading favorites
+ / ADN — public stars
+ Delicious — private bookmarks
+ Dribbble — public likes/heart
+ Facebook — private likes
+ Feedbin — private starred articles
+ Flattr — public flattred things
+ Flickr — public favorites/starred
+ Github — public watched repositories
+ Google Reader — private starred articles
+ Instagram — private likes/heart
+ Instapaper — private likes; a paid Instapaper subscription is required
+ Pinboard — private and public bookmarks
+ Readability — private favorites/star
+ Pocket / Read It Later — private articles
+ StackOverflow — public favorites/star
+ Twitter — private and public favorites/star
+ Vimeo — public likes/heart
+ YouTube — public favorites
+ Zootool — public and private bookmarks
Readability mode is supported for better reading experience on small screens.