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Gym Photo Progress 1.0
Screen Shots:
*** Hard exercises + diligent diet + two months + one photo a week = visible and motivating progress! ***
Take care about the left side of the equation. Gym Photo Progress will take care about the right side for you.
Gym Photo Progress is your personal assistant that helps you to track your progress at the gym. All you have to do is take photos of yourself regularly.
There is no need to calculate unreliable coefficients. When you work hard, you want to SEE the real progress, not numbers. You want to see your muscles growing and fat burning. Gym Photo Progress gives you that opportunity in the simplest form ever - just swipe your finger to smoothly blend to the next or the previous photo. See every little change of your body clearly and accurately!
* One click to take the photo
* Previewing progress by swiping
* Taking next photo with transparent preview of the previous one
* Adding/removing different albums
* Importing photos from your camera roll
* Portrait orientation
Coming soon:
* Notifications about taking photos
* Sharing photos on Facebook
* Converting photo albums into movies
You can use Gym Photo Progress in infinite number of ways. You can take photos of your chest, arms, legs or even the size of dumbbell you work with. The only limit is your imagination!