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Gymtrak Coach Elite 1.47
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**PLEASE NOTE: You must be an invited member of the GymTrak Elite programme to use this app.
GymTrak is an electronic data management system for specifying, recording, tracking and monitoring elite athlete training routines. The system is intended to be used by teams and organisations with the need for prescribed systematic training routines and injury rehabilitation programmes for their athletes.
GymTrak Coach iOS Client enables Coaches and Rehabilitation Professionals to remotely create, maintain and allocate training sessions to specific Athletes in their squads instead of using the GymTrak Elite PC Application. These sessions can be personalised for each individual Athlete to tailor development programmes, aid in injury rehabilitation and create an audit trace of an Athlete’s training programme. Wellbeing questionnaires such as Muscle Soreness and Stretch Test Results can be added to training routines. The Athlete information, training session and associated data are then sent to the GymTrak Service Hub for processing, maintenance and storage.
The GymTrak Athlete iOS Client allows pre-specified training sessions to be received on individual devices from the GymTrak Service Hub. The client guides the Athletes through each of the training sessions allowing the content and timing of individual exercises to be captured. Results are sent back to the GymTrak Service Hub for further processing.
The GymTrak Coach iOS Client can receive the Athlete training information from the GymTrak Service Hub in near real time depending on data connection. This allows the progress of a Session to be followed for multiple Athletes with key parameters, such as failed stretch tests, to be monitored. All previously recorded data is available to the Coach iOS Client allowing further analysis of an Athlete’s training history. Team Coaches, Medical Staff, Nutritionists and other interested individuals can all monitor and review the data simultaneously.