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Happier 3.0.0
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Happier is a fun social gratitude journal combined with a positive community! Be inspired to keep track of the small happy moments in your day and feel awesome when they help someone smile. Named by Time Magazine as one of the best apps for 2013.
Research shows people who focus on finding a few positive things about their day are happier, healthier, and less stressed. We believe that every day - even the tough ones - has at least one small happy moment and we created Happier to encourage you to find it.
- Capture and share a few happy moments every day.
- Get an uplifting positivity boost whenever you need it.
- Be inspired to do more things that make you happier.
Happier has been featured in The New York Times, Time Magazine, The Boston Globe, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, San Francisco Chronicle, among many others.
Here’s what our users have to say (and yes, we’re blushing!):
"I love this app! It really does make me appreciate the small things in life and helps me to realize I can be happy even on a bad day. There is joy in everything." - Kyky1423
"We're bombarded by negativity all day every day. This app helps me to stop and savor the little things that make life so wonderful." - Nic Beaty
"I love, love, love this! It is amazing how one's perspective on life can improve by sharing happy thoughts with friends all over the world. I am beginning to use it more than Facebook because nobody whines, and we are able to share happy times without feeling like we are humblebragging. :)" -Buckhead mom