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Tachosense 2.000
Screen Shots:
This is a tachometer by the analysis of the exhaust sound of the engine.
Please do not expect the response such as the general rev counter. On the other hand, I included pleasure to measure an engine rev by a sound.
At first please test it in around exhaust pipes (The rear of the car).
It is affected by electric fan / air-conditioner fan / run / background noises. The characteristics of the exhaust sound are different by a car, too. With various setting functions, please look for the setting that fitted one's car. When you devise the collection place of the sound with an external microphone (ex:contact microphone), you can enjoy it more.
(Please enjoy a mimicry game of the engine sound with using your voice! It is a task of extreme difficult to take out a low engine sound!)
1.The choice of the Start / Stop.
With a button of the lower left, as for you, it is changed Start / Stop. At the time of the start, it is autostart.
2.Adjustment of the input threshold.
When you are involved on the input level meter and slide to right and left, you can coordinate it.
3.Cylinder type.
You are selectable with 2/4/6/8 cylinders. In the case of RE, please choose 4-cyl.
4.Long-term filter type.
It is the filter which is effective to reduce influence of a sudden noise.
5.Short-term filter type.
It is the filter which is effective to reduce influence of a narrow noise of the range frequently.
6.Priority of low-frequency.
When there is always noises to the high frequency of the measurement range(When the price that is higher than engine number of revolutions is displayed frequently), you can arrest an engine sound by choosing the big value.
You can choose a response or precision, the tendency of either.