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Harmonium Plus Hd 1.0.1
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NO ADS Version.
Why buy a real Harmonium anymore? Finally, a true Asian Harmonium app to play out all your bollywood songs or practice your raagas to your heart's content, in a realistic, hi-fidelity, and intuitive way!
★★★★★ Ranked in the top FREE iPad music apps category in the US app store!
STUDIO quality realistic harmonium sounds - regular and COUPLER, FAST and Fluid Animations, ZOOM, variable Key Responsiveness(SUSTAIN) setting, FOUR OCTETS for both regular and coupler harmoniums, RECORD and PLAYback.
Harmonium Plus HD includes a host of features for optimizing your playing time:
* STUDIO quality harmonium sounds - both regular as well as COUPLER harmonium sounds, each across FOUR OCTETS that both sound and feel as coming out of a real harmonium.
* Key Responsiveness (SUSTAIN): Change the key sustain for your preference.
* FLUID animations - Introduce someone to an almost-real Harmonium! Fast and zippy harmonium keys, animating air chamber, key sustains and more.
* ZOOM!! - Get a full view of an entire harmonium and experiment with the air chamber or zoom into what matters - an end to end view of two complete octets at a time, enough for playing almost all songs.
*RECORD and PLAYback: Want to teach someone how to play a song, or want to practice on your own tune? Record your tune, and play it back as many times as you want.
*EXPERIMENT!: Record a song and during playback, change the Octet, Key Responsiveness and coupler sounds to see how it sounds!
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To fun times with HARMONIUM PLUS HD!