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Solarexposure 1.0
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Solar Exposure determines the number of hours of sunlight at your location, which is important in gardening, architectural planning, solar heating and many other applications. Unlike other solar apps that provide only visual displays or rough estimates from images, Solar Exposure uses actual measurements at your location to compute the amount of sunlight each hour, in the morning or afternoon, for any season, or day of the year. Solar Exposure takes into account the effect of trees, houses, and other structures that can obscure the sun at different times of the day, which usually vary on a seasonal basis.
Solar Exposure is easy to use:
1) Mark your position on a map.
2) Scan the sky using a visual (virtual reality) guide that shows you the path of the sun in spring or fall, summer, and winter.
3) Edit the sky scan to mark areas in the field of view that are shaded or in sun.
4) Generate a report and export via email.
• Determine how much sunlight a window of your house or apartment will receive in the spring, summer, fall, and winter.
• Help decide where to plant a garden, or whether certain plants will receive enough sunlight, or even what type of grass seed to use.
• Decide where to place solar heating units in places that are shadowed at certain times of the day or year.