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Hk Hair Catalog 1.0
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Hong Kong Hair Catalog contains numerous hair styles hand crafted by professional hair stylist Kenneth from Be-Labo.
What’s so special about Kenneth? Kenneth has been travelling around the globe absorbing skills and knowledge of hair styling for 18 years, including Japan, USA, Holland etc.. With this tremendous amount of knowledge, Kenneth established Be-Labo and applied what he learnt to every customer for 26 years. The aim of Be-Labo is to be the first to import the newest technology and technique, serving each customer with a reasonable price and a hair style that each love.
In the 21st century, Kenneth have learnt of 双刃流 technique and since been using it to foster and enhance.
Kenneth 有乜咁強… 十八年來,Kenneth 不停地到世界各地吸收它國的髮型 技巧,曾到過日本、美國、荷蘭等地深造。當了二十六年髮型師的Kenneth是Be-labo的專業髮型師,多年前開始構思自立門戶,把所有學到的,用在他的顧客髮型設計上,「其實香港做髮型可以有很大的空間,而我希望第一時間 將先進科技產品及技術令每個顧客用一個合理價錢,得到一個最滿意的髮型 。」這是Kenneth創辦Be-Labo的宗旨。