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Ieasyphoto 1.1.2
Screen Shots:
Take your photos in the simplest way while having fun with iEasyPhoto.
It allows you to apply patterns to your pictures to change the colors of it.
Different modes are included such as:
- Black and white
- Sepia
- Color Inversion
- X-ray
- 20% more clear
- 20% darker
- No red world
- No green world
- No blue world
- Red world
- Green world
- Blue world
And you can always create your own easily through the integrated mode creation menu.
Add delirious masks to your photos and create your own masks from PNG and JPEG images of photo album or Internet.
36 Masks available and more to come in each update.
The required information is included in the application, it will help you better use the various menus to make full use iEasyPhoto.
Take your photos remotely through the integrated timer and the voice command, you only need to wait or just snap your fingers to photograph.
- Take photos with effects (modes) color
- Overlay masks in the photos for fun photos
- Creating easily modes and masks
- Choice of image size
- Can take photos with delay (between 1 and 60 seconds)
- Talk or make noise to take a picture with the voice command
- View your photos taken with the integrated viewer