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Im Instant Messenger 8.5
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Chat on Facebook, Yahoo!, AIM, GTalk and more. IM+ features free texting, group chats, message history. IM+ is the most secure chat app. Its Off-the-record feature together with Beep (WhatsApp-like messenger) is a 100% security for your encrypted P2P messages.
IM+ supports all major IM services, including Facebook, Yahoo!, Google Talk.
NEIGHBORS offer a new communication dimension in IM+ by providing you the opportunity to find new real life connections. See who's your Neighbor on the map, dive into local group conversations, "shout" to ask your neighbors questions. It's all about your local community!
Below you may find the list of other amazing features which will definitely take your mobile IM experience to the next level:
- Universal iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad app
- Send text messages, photos, videos, and voice notes
- Group chats in AIM, ICQ and Neighbors
- Chat history, accessible in IM+ on your device and from any web browser at
- Multiple accounts per service
- Push notifications about new messages in your GMail, Yahoo!, and AOL e-mail inbox
- Create personal and geo status messages
- Typing notifications
- P2P encrypted messaging and Beep (in-app-purchase)
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