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Itansmart 1.0.4
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iTanSmart is the most advanced and feature filled sun tanning App. on the market. Using UV satellite data, skin type, and sunscreen SPF, iTanSmart alerts you when to re-lotion, seek shade, and even provides updates on Vitamin D production all while you relax and listen to your iTunes!
Set a few simple criteria about yourself and your sun protection, start the iTanSmart timer, then enjoy your day! iTanSmart will alert you when it's time to get out of the sun to avoid sunburn and dangerous exposure even while you are listening to your music! iTanSmart has a patent pending on it’s unique ability to manage your exposure to UVB and UVA rays, lists drugs that induce photo-sensitivity and offers advice, even helps you plan for your vacation allowing you to select any location in the world and provides a 7 day UV Index forecast.
iTanSmart takes five key factors into account: current UV index, environment (beach, snow, clouds, etc.), time of day, skin type, and type of suntan protection; and suggests how long you can stay in the sun without getting burned or tanned. iTanSmart also alerts you when to re-lotion and when you’ve been in the sun long enough to produce the recommended amount of Vitamin D. Flip the screen horizontal and iTanSmart will provide real time information on your Vitamin D production and sun exposure for the day. Vitamin D production assumes 80% of your skin is exposed to the sun.
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