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Iwheel 1.2
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iWheel™ is an intuitive tool that quickly calculates the days, weeks, or months to an important event and allows you to schedule and track the event.
Just four easy steps:
1. Choose to calculate in Days, Weeks, or Months
2. Rotate the outer wheel to select your Start Date
3. Rotate the inner Wheel to set the time duration
4. Hit Calculate — and the Event Date is displayed!
Once calculated, your event can be added to the iWheel© Event Database, where details about the event can be entered and saved.
iWheel© allows you to:
Give the event a unique name
Use the iPhone Contact List to access the event-owner's name
Define the event location
Add notes about the event
Set a one-time alert or a repeat alert
iWheel© displays all your events and lets you:
Edit an event
Change the event’s status
Change the event’s start and end dates
Track original dates vs new dates
Interface with iPhone email to distribute your event information. This feature can be used to remind you of an approaching due date or let others know about upcoming events. The iWheel© automatically tracks saved event dates against the current date and displays a red badge on the iPhone to show how many events are late.
iWheel© is ideal for anyone who needs to calculate, schedule, track, or remember key dates on the go. It is equally useful for business, personal, or academic purposes.