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Aaa 1st Igallery Hd Lvhongliang 1.0.1
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1st iGallery - Find Your Favorite Original Painting.
Lv Hong Liang Art Exhibition
Lv Hong Liang was born in 1980, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Art Institute of Shanghai University with a Master Degree in 2006. Now he is teaching in Shanghai Arts and Crafts College.
The 1st iGallery is an electronic gallery focus on original oil paintings. If you are interested in painting, you can learn, enjoy, collect, share, and even online buy your favorite painting. Here, you can also directly facing the authors of these original paintings.
If you are an artist, who have a dream to show self work to all of the world, then please join us, we will be free to help you achieve your dreams;
1, Understand, enjoy contemporary original paintings.
2, Online purchase your favorite painting. Currently supported by credit card (via Paypal), Paypal, Alipay online purchase. We will mail the painting to you after receive your order. With secured transaction of Paypal and Alipay, your don’t worry about the security of the transaction process.
3, If you have a work or collection, would like to show to all of the world, then please join us the 1st iGallery. We will be free to help you achieve your dreams. (Details please contact us via e-mail:
4, You can collect favorite painting. You can store oil painting picture to your own album, and you can also set it to the desktop (Please firstly store to album, and then set as the desktop from album).
5, You can share favorite painting pictures to your friends through the mail, Fackbook, Twitter, etc.
6, You can also directly facing the authors of these original paintings.
7, Multi-language support. 1st iGallery can switch languages automatically according to the language of your device setting (currently only supports English, Chinese);
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us: