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Jampl Financial Planner 2.7.5
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Plan for your future retirement from the convenience of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with the J & L Financial Planner, the mobile version of J & L Software's top-rated desktop financial planning software. The app provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use way to approach financial planning and your retirement.
From the planner you can create a customized financial plan based on your individual financial circumstances. You can plan for current and future financial events, such as selling a house, and track your investment, tax free, retirement, and equity accounts.
The J & L Financial Planner provides detailed annual reports, complete with graphics. It lets you upload your current account balances, run your customized scenario based on current and future financial events, and download or email the results and reports.
It provides the tools to answer and find solutions to such questions as "How will this financial decision affect my ability to retire at age 62", "How does this purchase affect my future net worth", and "Will I outlive my investments and if so what changes do I need to make."
- You have the option to show your results, reports and graph values in todays purchasing power.
- Email your results and reports.
- You can change the Inflation Rate at any age with the Rate Event.
- You can change the Effective Tax Rate at any age with the Rate Event.
- You can change an Accounts Return Rate at any age with the Rate Event.
- You can easily create a financial plan for your retirement and other personal financial planning.
- It provides the financial planning tools you need to create a comprehensive financial plan for you, your spouse and other family members.
- You can plan for your current and future financial events.
- You can track your investment, tax free, retirement, and other asset and equity accounts.
- It gives you a year by year detailed results report as well as the corresponding graphics.
- You may import your current account balances from other financial software, data bases and spread sheets.
- You can export the results and reports to spread sheets and data bases.
- Provides a baseline platform to see how proposed financial decisions affect future net worth.
- Provides a number of currency options, including Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen, Rupee, Rand, and Won.
- Export the scenario (financial plan) to J&L Software's Window's desktop versions 18 and above.