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Kosen Studio Haus Interactive Catalog 2014 Edition 1.2.3
Screen Shots:
The Kosen studio-haus presents lifelike creations of distinction, direct from Germany. Koesen Germany manufactures plush animals by hand, and the species know no limit. Choose from Bears to Bumble Bees, peruse exquisite Limited Editions, and now a fabulous Fairy Tale Collection.
To use this catalog and browse through the Kosen studio-haus, simply tap on a category name as shown on the front page. The items contained within that category will display in a format that allows you to flick left and right to migrate through the selections. Double-Tap to bring up an even BIGGER picture! To go back to the front page of the app, just tap on the top title bar featuring Koesen's gorgeous Limited Edition Fox.
If you would like to load our online pages, or order, it's easy! Go to a specific items web page by displaying that item within this app, then tap on the menu item "Kosen Online". The web pages will display within this app.
The Kosen studio-haus invites you to come and experience the luxury of Koesen plush.
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All copyright graphics are marked for easy identification using visible and invisible digital watermarks.
Any use of these graphics are strictly prohibited by law.