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Teemo The Fitness Adventure Game 1.0.2
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Teemo is the game that turns spare minutes into fitness adventures!
***Regular price: $2.00, available FREE during our limited introductory offer***
***Teemo requires iOS 5.0 or later and a Facebook account. We currently use Facebook to enable login and social interactions.***
Climb Everest! Hike the Inca Trail! Sail the Caribbean! Teemo’s adventures transport you and your friends to exotic virtual locales where you’ll help each other get fit in real life!
Teemo is designed to make getting in shape more fun, social and efficient. By
combining short-and-sweet exercises, exciting adventures and socializing with
friends, Teemo turns fitness into the kind of playful, encouraging activity it should be.
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• Choose from 10 globetrotting adventures that mix real geographical info with imaginative storylines
• Create teams and complete adventures together in the style of a relay race
• Improve fitness efficiently with a proven program of short-burst exercises
• Work out using an interval timer, with audio and visual prompts
• No special equipment needed: just comfortable clothes and a little room to move
• Play your own music while you train (using iTunes, Spotify or other streaming services)
• Track your progress and win rewards
• Share your accomplishments and cheer on your friends