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Lifecasting Create Amp Share Photo Slide Shows On Youtube Formerly Funslides 1.1
Screen Shots:
Lifecasting™ is the easiest way to publish and share your life in multimedia to your friends, family or even the whole world in a mp4 video format.
Wherever you are, click pics. Capture the sunset, your nephew's first birthday party, or even your best friend's wedding. In a matter of minutes, Lifecasting™ lets you narrate into your pictures and pulls it all together into an mp4 video that you can publish to YouTube, email out, or wifi transfer to your desktop computer.
Be famous on YouTube! Or simply have an easier way to keep in touch with the important people in your life.
- Make mp4 video slideshows from your iPhone with pictures from your camera or photo library. Even add audio narration!
- Upload your movies to YouTube and email the published YouTube link to your friends.
- Transfer your movie creations to your computer via wifi transfer.
- Choose your YouTube upload settings (Public vs Private, Comments or not, Category, and Tags!
Sample Uses:
- Baby's first birthday party (send video to grandma)
- Night out with friends (send video to everyone who was there)
- Honeymoon (send video to bridal party)
- New home (send video to in-laws)
- New puppy (send video to EVERYONE because he's so cute)