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Lifecloud A Photo Video Text Diary And Calendar For Everyday 1.3
Screen Shots:
***New! The Beautiful Way to Remember Every Day in Every Way – including multiple photos, videos and text journal entries***
More than just a photo a day app, LifeCloud is a great way to remember every day in a fun, interactive and complete way as you can add photos but also videos and text entries to each day!
It is a beautiful interactive diary, a better way to track your life for a Project 365, a photo and video record of every day of your baby’s first year, a food diary, your pets, your project, a fashion diary of your outfits, a creative diary of your artistic creations, a journal of your new relationship – the possibilities are endless!
•Add multiple photos and text entries to each day
•Go Pro to add multiple videos too
•Beautiful design to view your LifeCloud for each month
•Beautiful photo display with date and caption
•Also view photos full screen
•Add a variety of photo shapes – square, landscape and portrait, so you don’t have to crop your photo into a square
•Add captions to videos as well
•Set a daily reminder to add to your LifeCloud
•Show off your LifeCloud and Share to Facebook, Twitter or Email!
More fantastic features planned! We welcome your feedback as to what you would like to be able to do with LifeCloud.
Download now and start creating your LifeCloud – we hope you’ll love it!