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M Connect Bank Of Baroda 1.0
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Bank of Baroda offers “Baroda M-Connect”- the mobile banking facility that will help you do banking transactions using your mobile phone.
* Easy to register, download and start the using Baroda M Connect
* Secure way of transacting banking business
* No charges - Absolutely FREE
* No restriction on number of transactions. Cumulative maximum in a day is Rs.50000/-
* View the account balance, mini statement
* Funds transfer to accounts with Bank of Baroda & to other bank accounts through (NEFT)
* One can also seek services like Cheque book request, stop payment of cheque, Request for loans, etc.
* Bills payment - Most of the utility bills can be paid through your mobile using M-Connect - MTNL. BSNL. Reliance, Vodafone, etc.
* Mobile recharge can be done
* Booking of movie tickets
* Booking of Air tickets for travel in India; the portal will be able to provide fare-wise list of availability for the given segment
For Registration please visit your nearest Branch, get your Application Password and mPIN for activating your Mobile Banking services