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Monsoon Store Pro 1.1
Screen Shots:
Grab the best of Monsoon Store now in your palm and glance through the timeless classics in the hub of modern luxury. Get hooked to the ever-updating list of the in-things that make the trend. Heighten your fashion taste, and check out the international influences. Make your cell your virtual wardrobe. Suggest the in-fashion tips to your family. Download the application now and log on to the Monsoon Store and...
* Once at Home screen get acquainted with the Featured section containing the fresh arrivals
* Find the latest awe inspiring collections distributed in three categories – men, women and kids in the Catalog section.
* Locate nearest stores with their address and contact numbers by taping the Stores section. Once at a particular store, taping over it will take you to it's location on Google maps. From here on you have the option of calling the store and buying from it.
* Enter the Special Offers section and find out the discounted items as per various eves. If registered then you also get personalized exclusive offers pertaining to your birthday and anniversary.
* Find and compare online prices
* Avail the option of having your own customized version of monsoon store for your business.
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