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Nav Clock 3.1.3
Screen Shots:
Great for hikers, astronomers, pilots, sailors, anyone that needs more than a basic weather app.
● Astronomical, Nautical, and Civil sunlight times.
● Pressure and Density Altitudes and Ceilings.
● Maps view of the nearest weather station and its data including the METAR.
● Adjust the screen brightness without ever leaving the app! It makes a great night stand clock! Brightness slider control appears for a few seconds when the screen is tapped.
● Day and night user selectable font colors.
● Barometric pressure indicator.
● Julian date options (JD, JDN, MJD, RJD).
● Course and Speed is displayed for devices that support it.
● Background sky condition photographs change to closely approximate the current sky conditions in your vicinity.
● Current weather station information for your location including “Feels Like” temperature, the Wind Chill or Heat Index based upon the temperature, wind, and humidity. A fine resolution of the current weather conditions is displayed including wind gusts, wind variability, and visibilities as low as “
● Copyable current location coordinates so that they may be pasted into other apps.
● Many preference settings allow you to customize the format of the display including the metric system, 24-hour time, Degrees-Minutes-Seconds, Degrees-Minutes.M, or WGS 84 coordinate systems, Fahrenheit, Celsius, or both, tenths of degrees, aviation weather formats, disable auto-lock (prevents the screen from sleeping), and more.
● Languages: English. Some translations for German, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
High density altitude adversely impacts aircraft performance. Data from this app should not be the sole source of this information.
Nav Clock uses data from NOAA's Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS), which may not be accurate.