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Noaa Buoy And Tide Data 5.11
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NOAA Buoy Data Reader allows you to retrieve weather data from NOAA's National Data Buoy Center. It also provides tide predictions for the US.
The perfect tool to help plan your time on he water.
**For a map of buoys locations, go here:
* Search for buoys by name or region.
* View buoys near you with customizable search radius.
* Use GPS or manually entered location.
* Works on all iPhone, iPod, and iPad versions.
* Map of buoy locations.
* Detailed live buoy data with access to location specific forecasts.
* Save your favorites for easy access.
* Quick access to buoy's website from within the application.
* Buoys sorted by proximity to your selected location.
* Tide Predictions.
* Moon phases.
Data can include wind speed, gusts, and direction as well as pressure and other relevant marine data.
If you participate in activities where marine weather is important, you need this app.
Great for:
kite boarding
and any activity where marine weather conditions are important.
If you fish at sea like we do, this is a great app for you.
Another quality App brought to you by boaters and fisherman. We use our products everyday and listen to our customers. If you have any issues, please contact us. We will reply.