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Nursing Master 1.2.5
Screen Shots:
Nursing Master makes it easy to track all your baby's breast and bottle feedings so you can see how much and how often your baby eats.
Nursing Master was designed with the busy mom (or dad) in mind, so you can use it while tending to all of baby's other needs.
Easily start and stop timing feedings at the tap of a button. A marker shows you which side you fed on last, so you can start on that side the next time.
You'll see a running detailed log of all you feedings, and can even view a graph to see feedings over days, weeks, and months.
Time two babies at once and track up to ten on a single app!
- Easy and simple to use.
- Last side markers to promote proper alternate-side nursing.
- Detailed log of nursing sessions, including: side used, start time, duration per side, and combined left/right duration.
- Detailed log of bottle feedings, including: start time, amount consumed, and type of liquid (expressed breast milk, formula, milk, soy-based formula, soy-milk, and water).
- Add, edit, and delete nursing and bottle feeding sessions.
- Email a feeding report right from the app.
- View details about a baby's last feeding and today's total at a glance right at the top of the screen.
- Stats View: See an overview chart for each baby over a period of days, weeks, and months; and compare up to 10 baby's stats at the same time.
- Customize the view of your baby's log with a photo that you pull from your library or if on an iPhone take a picture right from the app; or choose from 12 custom icons.
- Support for up to 10 babies.
- Time two babies at once while at the same time editing info for up to 10 babies total.
- Email feedback about the app right from Nursing Master.
Features to Come in a Future Free Update:
- Stats View: Compare (anonymously) your baby's feedings with babies of other moms who are also using Nursing Master.