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Passions Blood 1.1.17
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***Top Review from***
"Passion’s Blood is a superb interactive book for the iPad, with awesome pictures and an entertaining sound track; any fans of the adventure/romance genre of storytelling will certainly enjoy it. As an iPad app, it uses the crystal clear screen of the iDevice to project engaging pictures and the ‘scroll’-like background that you read the words on is a really nice touch."
~David Harfield,
Master illustrators Cherif Fortin and Lynn Sanders bring us this stunning, lusciously illustrated Romantic Masterpiece which proudly stands as the first of its kind in the Romance genre. Never before have romance readers been able to see, touch, and feel passion with such realism, until now. Passion’s Blood pulls you into an enchanting, exciting world of beauty, betrayal, and magic with more than 25 gorgeous, full-color, animated illustrations.
Lady Leanna is a flame-haired beauty loved by her betrothed, Prince Emric, desired by his loathsome brother, Prince Bran. Although in love with Emric, Leanna has still not made her peace with the knowledge that this arrangement was forced upon her. Prince Emric, noble and courageous, rides to war, ignorant of his brother’s dark treachery. In a net of betrayal and violence, the young lovers must preserve their faith, and Leanna must keep Emric alive with her love and the magical powers she herself does not fully understand . . .