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Aircraft Of World War I 2.0.2
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More than 75 of the most important biplanes and triplanes from 1914 to 1918 in one app on your iPhone or iPad.
Aircraft of World War I contains more than 75 of the most important and influential multi-wing aircraft that flew between 1914 and 1918. Types featured in the app include the Sopwith Camel, the Red Baron’s Fokker Triplane, the Handley Page 0/100 and the Airco DH-4.
Each aircraft featured is illustrated by a full-colour side-profile artwork, and accompanied by a detailed specifications table giving country of origin, type, powerplant, performance, weights, dimensions, and armament where appropriate. All measurements are given in imperial and metric measures. In addition there is accompanying text for each aircraft that summarizes its development and service history.
• More than 75 biplanes and triplanes featured, each one illustrated by a full-colour artwork
• Full dimensions, weights, performance and armaments provided for each aircraft, all measurements in imperial and metric
• Each aircraft’s development history and career described in full
• Quick search functions by country of origin and manufacturer
• Favorites section
• All data stored offline on your device. No Internet connection required
• Supports both iPhone and iPad
Michael Sharpe is a freelance aviation writer who has written for numerous publications, including The Military Yearbook. He is also the author of Great Air Disasters.