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Pixntell 1.3.1
Screen Shots:
NEW: Now you can export videos from PixnTell directly into FocusTrain (a fully hosted, completely managed training cloud).
Every pix has a story...tell yours!™
PixnTell adds your voice to your pictures and creates a personalized video you can share on Dropbox, Facebook, YouTube, FocusTrain or email.
Now only one app upgrade for $1.99
Create videos with up to 70 photos (free version limits you to 5 photos per video). PixnTell Pro allows you to add blank slide between photos with text (similar to a Power Point of Keynote slide).
How to use PixnTell:
1. Choose photos from your library or take photos with PixnTell (5 photo limit on free version; up to 70 photos with in-app upgrade $1.99 and add title slides)
2. Arrange photos in any order you wish.
3. Record your message as you swipe through the photos.
4. Turn photos and voice recording into a video.
5. Share with friends via Facebook, YouTube or email.
You can create fun and interesting videos using only your iPhone from anywhere. Relax your inner comic, show everybody the great storyteller you are, have a blast!
● Simple and easy to use
● (NEW) upload videos directly to Dropbox with auto email link.
● Upload videos directly to Facebook
● Upload videos directly to YouTube with auto email link
● Intuitive controls similar to top selling apps
● Creates .m4v movies out of your voice and pictures
● Get more “likes” and “shares” on your Facebook posts
● Share stories with old photos
● Reconnect with old friends and family
● Create a great time capsule