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Pocket Shiva Nata 1.0
Screen Shots:
Pocket Shiva Nata: agility, adaptability, grace, power, extreme coordination and moments of bing. Bring on the epiphanies!
Familiarity with the eight basic starting positions is assumed. Pocket Shiva Nata is the handy practice tool for people who already own the Shiva Nata Starter Kit or Andrey Lappa's Dance of Shiva DVD.
For more background, approach, and theory, see the Shiva Nata Starter Kit:
• The first three levels of Shiva Nata
• Adjust the speed to your own abilities
• Tap on the screen any time to pause the app
• Havi's voice calls the numbers
• Animated graphics show each position
• Large, easy to read numbers
• Turn on/off audio, visual, and textual cues
• Set a reminder and your device will let you know once a day that it's flailing time!
• Choose either 1-4 or 1-8 mode
• Formulas for all three levels
What's Shiva Nata for?
Realizations and insights. Speed of reaction and extreme coordination. Balance and grace. To help you rewrite your patterns and change your life. All while developing core strength and gorgeous triceps!
Get ready to flail around, make mistakes (yay!), train the brain, get coordinated and generate realizations, insights, and epiphanies!
About Havi Brooks
Pocket Shiva Nata comes to you from Havi Brooks, director of the Destuckification Playground in Portland, Oregon.
Havi has taught Shiva Nata internationally since 2004 and trained extensively with Andrey Lappa, the creator of this modern version of the ancient, lost Dance of Shiva.