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Pocket Yoga Practice Builder 2.1.1
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Creating your custom yoga routine has never been easier! Pocket Yoga - Practice Builder allows you to build, edit and share complete yoga practices.
Make a practice in minutes by selecting your desired poses and adjusting their order and duration. Then add music, set the tempo and you’re done! Try your practice by following along with the guided instruction, or share it with your friends and see what they think. Perfect for yoga teachers or intermediate to advanced level yogis.
• Choose from a list of over 200 poses, including variations and transitional poses.
• Specify the order and the duration of each pose.
• Follow suggestions on the next pose or choose from a complete list.
• Set the duration to hold each pose based on time or on number of breaths.
• Adjust what the voiceover will say after a pose is queued.
• Add music from a built-in list or from your music library.
• Use Undo to revert back undesirable changes.
• Email, Message or AirDrop a practice to your friends so they can try it.
• Convert your practices to PDF documents.
• Print your practices wirelessly with AirPrint.
• Play your practices on a TV by connecting wirelessly to your Apple TV or with the corresponding AV cables.