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Pockettoolman 2.0
Screen Shots:
PocketToolman is a freeware tray utility for Windows Mobile 6
# Suspend - allows you to power-off the Pocket PC without having to press the Power button. You can also add the Suspend icon in the tray for easy access
# Soft Reset - performs soft reset.
# Settings - quick access to Control Panel applets.
# ScreenOff - switches off the screen. You can create a shortcut to invoke ScreenOff. Great for binding to a hardware button to easy access
# Lock Device - allows you to lock the Pocket PC when it's running. Using the same system password for unlocking.
# Stay Alive [Power - allows you to temporarily stop your Pocket PC from auto power-off.
# Battery Meter - displays the battery life percentage in the systray
# Disconnect - Disconnects current RAS connection
# PIN Lock - Invoke the PIN prompt. *You must have the PIN prompt enabled for this to work.
# Add Bluetooth icon in tray for easily power on/off Bluetooth. *Supports Microsoft Bluetooth Stack ONLY
# Add WiFi icon in tray for easily power on/off WiFi
# Disable SMS 'Message delivered" popup
# Disable HTC screen off after a call has been connected
# Enable/Disable window animation
# Enable/Disable menu animation
# Enable/Disable sliding keyboard to wake up phone
# Increase System Font Cache
# Increase File System Cache
# Increase File System Filter Cache
# Enable GPS Photo for HTC TyTN II
# Disable camera default 90-degrees clockwise rotation
# Hides contacts on SIM card - On my TyTN II, after a soft-reset, the flag is restored to show contacts on SIM card. With PT, if you set it to run at Startup, what PT does is apply the setting during execution, then applies again after roughly a minute after soft-reset to ensure SIM contacts are set to hide.
# Enable/Disable SMS Delivery Report
# Enable/Disable Flight Mode
# Data Connections - Allows you to disable data connection entries to stop them from connecting automatically. You can also set data connection to be AlwaysOn
# Use one line to show date in Today Date plugin if possible
# Make reminders show only once
# Enable/Disable Lunar Calendar
# Change 4-way pad behavior in PIE
# Enable/Disable ClearType in PIE
# Enable/Disable running s in PIE
# Enable/Disable running ActiveX controls in PIE
# Enable/Disable ClearType in Landscape mode
# Show EDGE network icon instead of GPRS