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Police Scanner Lite 1.2.3
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Lite Version of Police Scanner 2
Police Scanner is the original police scanner application for the iPhone. Yes, we came up with the idea and all the others are just cheap copies.
With over 2300 national and international EMS streams, Police Scanner offers the largest selection of police, fire, and emergency services streams available for the iPhone in one application. Users can locate and listen to police dispatch frequencies worldwide.
• Over 2300 feeds in nine countries
• Updates new streams in real time, without having to wait for a new update release
NOT ALL AREAS IN THE US AND WORLDWIDE BROADCAST AN iPHONE COMPATIBLE STREAM. The area you may be interested in may not broadcast over the internet. Police scanner feeds in the UK are encrypted and will not appear in Police Scanner 2 in the foreseeable future. Also, Police Scanner 2 does not control, manage or operate emergency broadcast feeds. Police Scanner 2 does not control continuance or discontinuance of a feed. Finally, due to the nature of emergency broadcast streams, often long periods of silence will appear on any one channel. This does not mean that Police Scanner has ceased to function.
For a complete list of streams, see our web page at:
Any user that has a stream they would like us to add should contact technical support and provide the web link to the stream they desire.