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Pregnancy Calculator Surebaby 2.0
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Calculate your baby's due date!
- Not sure when your baby is due?
- Not sure when your conception date was?
- Want to know how many weeks pregnant you are?
- Want to know when the end of your first trimester is?
Our handy calculator has the answers.
Starting a family is one of the most exciting times in your life, and often one of the scariest! It's a big leap into the unknown, and one that is sure to change your life forever. There are so many questions you'll encounter on your way to motherhood. We’ve created the SureBaby pregnancy calculator to answer the most important question of all: When is your baby due?
Obstetricians consider an average pregnancy to last 280 days from the first day of your last menstrual period. Using this information, our calculator can tell you when to expect your baby, along with other pregnancy milestones such as when your baby was likely conceived and when you’ll make it past the all-important first trimester mark.
Know your due date already? Enter this information and our calculator will work backward to tell you the other key dates in your pregnancy.
Once you have determined your due date you can sign up for a customized newsletter full of tips and information from, delivered to your inbox each week. You also have the option to directly visit our monthly due date clubs and discuss your pregnancy with other moms-to be.
Congratulations, and all the best in your pregnancy from!