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Sharedrun 1.1
Screen Shots:
The SharedRun App measures your race data and lets you load it on the social network for runners. Use the App – to amplify, relive and share every aspect of your Races on the 3D Course. Create new experiences in your race!
The SharedRun App is a SharedRun S.r.l. product promoted by the Rome Marathon
Technical features by Inmatica S.p.A.
© 2012 SharedRun –
•In the RaceCam section:
Save the data on your Races: select the Race you’re about to run (official or unofficial) and activate the GPS data registration (press Start).
Visualize the data for your races with Realtime: visualize the data for your races with the realtime function (pace, average, overall average, distance covered, speed, final time projection, remaining distance, step counter, etc.).
Activate visualisation with Realtime on let your friends see your Race in real-time on the 3D Course (press Realtime On).
Add Tags to your races: choose some fun Tags to tell your friends where you’re at during the race (View Status, I’ve stopped to).
Record the data on your races: save the data for your every race on your App (press Save Course).
•In the MyRace section:
Look at the Statistical Data for the races you have Saved: select the Race and review the Map and your Times Chart (go to My Race -> press Official /Unofficial Race).
Transfer your race data to use the data you’ve saved in See your Races on the 3D Race Course again. Use the advanced features to share your sports data.
•In the Setup section:
Register with activate your automatic login with (go to SharedRun WebSite -> press Connect to) .
Create your basic setup: (go to OnRace -> press various).
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.