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Shopping Cart 2.1
Screen Shots:
Made by: cRaCKwHoRe
The application is a simple list viewer which displays the preconfigured items as a bulleted list. You can have it open and save shopping lists but you can create or modify them on the fly to suit your needs.
You can manually type in items to add to the shopping list or you can type up a list in Notepad or something similar. If you want to import a list in the application just save the file as a text file with each entry separated by a carriage return (new line / Enter) and copy it to your device. Then, in the application click File and Open and browse to where you copied the .txt file.
When you tap an item (click it) it toggles strikethrough text style, in effect marking it as found.
It is designed for and works for the Touch HD as far as resolution is concerned.
Please uninstall v2.0 before you install v2.1!
To change languages:
Edit the Language key in the registry and enter the name of the Language file. Reference the screenshots for an example. So, if your language file is \Program Files\cRaCKwHoRe's\Shopping Cart v 2.1\Languages\German.txt, then enter German. This is case-sensitive! To create your own language file just copy the existing English.txt file and edit the fields within it, rename it (with a .txt extension), and save it to the Languages folder.
To change the color of checked / unchecked items:
Firstly, the registry key MultiColorFonts must be set to 1. Then, edit the registry key(s) CheckedItemColor / UncheckedItemColor shown in the screenshots. The values you enter are the RGB values ranging from 0-255 (decimal, not hex) for each value (R, G, B). The defaults are red for unchecked items and gray for checked items. The registry location is HKLM\Software\cRaCKwHoRe's\Shopping Cart v 2.1\.