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Smoothie Recipes By Food4friends 1.3.1
Screen Shots:
Fresh juice drinks and smoothies are extremely tempting. They've got the looks, are healthy and on top of that, extremely easy to make! There really is no end to variations and combinations.
You can browse through the recipes one by one or use one of the filters to quickly select your favorite drink.
Besides a ton of inspiration, this app will give you lots of additional information about the fruits and vegetables used in our recipes. Just flip through the tips!
Need help? Just click the video button and find out what is the best way to treat your fruits and vegetables. These have been added to some of our specially selected recipes.
Ready to get started? Use the cooking mode which presents all the information you need!
Want to enjoy a smoothie together? With the FoodInvite you can invite your friends to come over for a smooth drink!
- Over 40 amazing recipes
- 4 instruction videos
- Tips and tricks about the recipes and ingredients
- High resolution quality photographs in landscape and portrait mode
- Quick access to your favourite recipes through the menu
- An instruction mode with an integrated clock; the clock works independently so you can make several smoothies at the same time
- Email option for grocery shopping
- Make notes if you have your own twist to a recipe and don't want to forget it
- Invite option that allows you to easily suggest a smooth drink date with a friend, date or group of friends and immediately add it to your iCal by tapping the date in the e-mail!