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So Browser Free Wp8
Screen Shots:
- SearchEngine customization
- Alias bar and Clock
- Tab function
- Link URL and image hold action
- Pin to start
- Applicationbar edit
- Show title
- Bookmarklet support
- Add on auto run Bookmarklet
- Find text in page
- Search from address bar
- Import and Export Bookmarks(Google Bookmarks)
- Orientation lock
- User agent customization
- Search engine select
- Bookmarks and folders manage
- Home button hold to open START UP page
- Back button hold to open HISTORY page
- Reload button hold to copy URL
So Browser have 1-3 view.(setting)
Bottom bar swipe to move the view.
You can run the javascript registered in the bookmarklet page.
Also possible to auto run when the load completed.
So Browser can manage bookmarks folder.
Folder and bookmark names can be edited and rearranged.
Import and Export Google Bookmarks.(Bookmark folder page)
Easily import and Export bookmarks on your PC.
Please do the "Windows Phone" use agent, such as logging in and sending the form,etc.
Import from Google Bookmarks, Unlabeled and multiple labels are not supported.