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Im Just Browsing 1.51
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Have you ever been browsing the web on your iPhone and missed a photo opportunity because you had to switch to the Camera application and wait for the shutter to open? Have you ever been video recording an event and suddenly had the need to search for something on the web? Then I'm Just Browsing is perfect!
• Basic web browser with bookmarks
• Live, *movable*, *resizable* camera preview overlaid on top of web browser
• Adjustable visibility of camera preview, from crystal clear all the way down to virtually invisible
• STILL photos or VIDEO (video requires iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, or iPod Touch 4th Generation)
• Supports both FRONT and REAR camera on equipped devices
• Adjustable quality for photos and video
• SILENCE IS GOLDEN - An icon appears to warn you that the camera shutter will make a sound and that you should reduce the volume or mute your device. Video recording is automatically silent. (Silent photos may not be available in all regional versions of iPhone or iPod Touch).
• TILT TO HIDE mode *EXCLUSIVE FEATURE*, the camera preview optionally fades away when your device is held flat, and fades back into view when held upright
• Quick-exit to Safari button
• If you are recording video and you exit the app, it will attempt to save the recording in progress. However, this should not be relied upon. Whenever possible, recording should still be stopped manually before exiting the application.
• Playing video on the web will temporarily disable the camera functionality. This is a limitation imposed by the operating system. Please do not attempt to view a video (youtube, etc) while recording or your recording will be stopped.
• Of course, devices require an active internet connection to browse the web while taking photos!
*Looking for an iPad version? Try 'SpyPad' for iPad!*