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Song Beats 1.0.3
Screen Shots:
Song Beats is a new application from Yamaha that makes it easy to play the drums along with your favorite songs!
A fabulous drum performance support tool for iPhone or iPod touch!
Song Beats supports your drum performance by visualizing which drums to hit and when to hit them while playing along with your favorite songs.
The app also allows you to easily create custom accompaniments for drums, putting your drumming at the center of the band.
There are hundreds of songs available from a shop that's built right into the app.† In addition, you can also use any Yamaha MIDI song that you already own by using iTunes File Sharing.
* Player Screen
- Glowing rings make it easy to see which drums to hit and when to hit them, so you can learn to play along with your favorite songs. Hit the corresponding drum when the glowing ring reaches the edge of the drum.
- mixing drums : Mix the drum sounds you want to hear by using the mute feature, and create simplified drum beats for practice or performance.
- changing the tempo: Change the tempo of any song to match your skill level.
- A-B looping: Set loop points to repeat and practice difficult beats in a song.
- Customize full band accompaniment with high-quality voices
* Library Screen
- Enjoy 10 built-in songs and 10 drum patterns as soon as you download Song Beats! Each built-in song has a reference video of the drum performance!
* Shop Screen (in selected countries†)
- Access hundreds of songs in the app's built-in shop. Purchase and download your favorite songs directly through the app and play along!
- Load any Yamaha MIDI songs you already own into the app by using iTunes File Sharing.
Learn more about the Song Beats app on our website:
† Due to copyright restrictions, in-app purchases are currently only available in the US, UK, and Germany.