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Steampunk Phototada 2.1
Screen Shots:
Welcome science fiction thrill-seekers and fantasy fiends! It has come to our attention that the steam-powered future timeline, that you have fought so hard to innovate, has changed, and we need YOU to archive an alternate history using our new Steampunk PhotoTada camera!
In this future of anachronistic technology, the Victorian-envisioned quest for a steam-powered society is no longer the goal. We do not know when this happened! What we do know is that we need YOU to detail how this future has come about. We believe other time travelers have been playing around with phase shift technology; but, alas, that is for you to unearth through your own speculative pixel fiction by using the filters of our iPhone camera app.
So that you feel more at home in your sub-genre, we encourage you to change the looks of your photos to the once innovative future called Steampunk. After you take a photograph, you can then infiltrate Steampunk into other foreign technologies such as what is called "Facebook" or the "digital photo album." You can even send your photos over what we have heard referred to as "electronic mail" or "email", whatever that may be. Good luck on your undertaking…
Features of this iPhone camera application include:
• 9 color settings including sepia, black and white and X-ray
• 14 filters
• 11 borders and frames
• Save to Facebook
• Save to Camera Roll
• Send photos over email
• Import images from your Camera Roll
• Take photos with any iOS device with a camera
• Export up to full camera resolution*
More info can be found at our page at Facebook, Flickr, and at our official website.
*Supported on some iOS devices.