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Sugar On Pancake 1.0.0
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Using Pancake, SugarCRM customers can access their data from their iOS device. Pancake's one touch synchronization allows you to work with critical customer data even when you are offline. Your data is safe as there are no third party server registrations- just install it on your device and connect directly with your Sugar CRM server and use it.
OFFLINE EDIT MODE. You do not have to be connected to network when you are making a deal with your client.
Requires iOS 5 or later
Features List:-
- Access to all of major modules like Accounts, Contacts, Leads,Opportunities, Calls, Meetings etc.
- Create, Read, Update or Delete your records
- One touch Synchronization
- Work Offline
- You can call, e-mail, and view address maps directly from your records
- Quick Search your desired records
- Logging out of the app
- Cleanup/wipe the data locally
- View Recent Records
NOTE: Download this FREE client software to your iOS device now and use it with default credentials provided to evaluate the user experience and functionality . Production use of the complete system requires a Server component.
Pancake for IOS is an Open Source project. you can help contribute to its development at