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Tableapp Restaurant Reservations 1.0
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TABLEAPP, Malaysia 1st real time restaurant booking app to simplify the reservation process. Let's make reservation and get exclusive discount.
1. Great restaurants to dine in
TABLEAPP help you to sort out the best choice restaurants like Shook!, Fisherman's Cove, Renoma Cafe Gallery, Bijan Restaurant, Rama V, Angus House, Hanare, Enak KL, ALIYAA Restaurant & Bar, Chicago Rib House, F Concept Dining by Buffalo Kitchens, Penang Village and more.
2. Get booking confirmation instantly
We all know that you need to wait up to 1 day for restaurant to confirm your reservation when you book a table online. TABLEAPP want to solve this problem! By using TABLEAPP, you now don't have to wait and get the confirmation immediately.
2. A smarter way to dine
Book a table anytime anywhere, you can enjoy exclusive offer (chef designed dish or discount up to 45%) from our partner restaurants.
** Features **
- Get latest high-end restaurants exclusive offer.
- 24hr restaurant reservation with instantly confirm.
- You can share restaurant information to your friends.
- Muslim users can easily find Halal and Pork Free restaurants.