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Take Weather Photo Sharing 1.0.2
Screen Shots:
"Take Weather"
It is a new weather-social networking application with photo.
When rain drops make a beautiful sound as it keeps falling down to the window in the bus, when clouds look like a white rabbit over the head on a beautiful sunny day, when a sunset glow between skylights looks beautiful, share your special moments and sentiments with your friends by using Take Weather application.
■ Real-Time Weather Photos
This provides not only a limited amount of the weather pictures, but it is also user-generated contents where individuals can share their pictures by uploading their own pictures using this application. Each individual will upload their pictures in terms of nearest area and the closest time-line so you will be provided by newly and most recent weather pictures.
■ Snap weather photos, Share your sentiments.
You can share your posts to Facebook or Twitter with your friends along with local weather information within beautiful images like postcards when you upload your photos.
- Iphone5 support (Retina 4-inch)
- Capturing a weather picture and saving
- Sharing your posts to facebook and twitter.
- 6 days weather forecasting.
- Displaying current temperature, highest temperature, lowest temperature, humidity, wind.
- Input options for Fahrenheit or Celsius and mph or m/s.
- date and time.
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